Electrification in the United States and Canada is on the rise, and it is especially noticeable in the transportation industry. The movement is encouraging the industry to become more sustainable and innovative while reducing the levels of carbon dioxide. These benefits sound excellent on paper but there are still many factors to consider before transitioning entire fleets to electric vehicles. It would be in the best interest for any business to review and analyze the good and bad aspects here are our Pros and Cons:
The Pros
Electric semi-trucks have about 40% lesser emissions than traditional gasoline powered trucks. The use of electric vehicles drastically decreases air pollution which is a huge positive given our decline in air quality throughout our major cities.
Low Maintenance
The electric driveline in semi-trucks is less expensive and requires less frequent maintenance. The cost for parts like valves, transmissions, belts, and scrubbers are significantly reduced since these parts are no longer needed.
Lower Cost Per Mile
The biggest expense in any fleet is fuel. Gasoline and diesel are historically more expensive when compared to the cost of electricity. Furthermore, prices for electricity have shown less volatility than diesel and gasoline prices.
Electric trucks are calculating in kilowatt/hours kWh/100 miles. The cost of operating an electric truck is dependent on the utility rates of the region in which the vehicle is charged. The numbers show electric vehicles cost approximately $1.28 per mile in the USA while the cost of owning a diesel heavy goods vehicle stands at $1.65 per mile.
The Cons
Low Range & Long Charging Times
Electric vehicles run off batteries and unfortunately for us we are still in the infancy stage on battery technology. This results in electric vehicles having a shorter range than diesel powered trucks. To make matters worse there are not enough electric charging stations nationwide. These issues result in electric vehicles only being suitable for local/regional fleets.
Then we come to the issue of charging the battery. The larger the battery the longer the charge. There are some batteries that can take up to 7 hours to fully recharge with the fastest systems available. This down time will significantly increase the amount of travel time for drivers and push back customer’s delivery dates.
High Price Tag
Electric trucks are currently more expensive to purchase than a traditional diesel tractor. The average cost of a diesel truck is $120,000 and the average cost for an electric truck is about $150,000. Furthermore, the cost to insure an electric vehicle is higher than the cost levied on traditional vehicles.
Cost and battery effectiveness are the most important factors when companies consider investing in an electric fleet. The concept behind electric vehicles provides a solution to the auto industry’s emissions issue, but electric vehicles are not perfect. Electric trucks are still very costly, but incentives can decrease upfront expenses. Despite the challenges these fleets present, eventually they still can benefit you and your company.